Thursday, September 23, 2010

Columbus Ga Brazilian Wax


Man regains through the tragedy of his conflicting passions and realize that joy and pain are both necessary, both are present in life. Learn to enjoy much of one as the other. "(F. Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy )

To understand what human beings are valued just happy to check out those ads for singles or doubles : joyful a nature tending to a constant good humor is by far the most popular character trait and, of course, even the most offered. No one dares to put on the market of emotional relationships showing a sad mood inclined to melancholy and the spleen , although perhaps in his heart feels sad and gloomy. After all those who live should feel like their single status with a sense of incompleteness and unfulfilled? Already act of writing, and then to publish an ad like this as implicitly communicates is looking for a solution to this discomfort. Yet, in all probability, just to counter this malaise, the text paints a deep and sensitive soul perhaps, but always ready to joke and a joke, always willing to take all the humorous side of things.
While basically a depressed person is not a product very attractive to a potential buyer, it is also true that the eager search of happiness and good humor to make it very guard who looks at this market. The explicit representation of himself as the most joyful and humorous personality the world should sound more like the cry of a showman than a realistic description of the subject in question. Who could take literally the exaltation of the miracles of a pan or a pill for weight loss without activating its critical spirit? Then it is not difficult to recognize that as proclaimed that joyfulness is precisely what is lacking in spirit to the so-called gay, what they need most. Therefore, if you do not want to get in touch with people rather disheartened and disheartening, to take a great care to ensure that the supply of wit and joy does not prove a sort of decoy. Then inevitably fall into the deception are those who most doggedly looking for someone who raise their morale. And so that the communication strategy by barker translates into more classic own goal: turn away those who could comfort the spirit and attract exactly those sad souls who can only worsen the situation. A sadness disguised as happiness can only deceive those who do not need so much thought to the difference between being and appearance.

The reason that certain phrases also apparently felt no discomfort being facetious just depends on who is unknowingly depressed by their own blatant cloaking their sorrows. Generally, it is transformed into a grimace that you draw a smile on the faces of those who usually hear phrases such as "laughter is the thing I do most willingly," "Sometimes one needs to have a good laugh", "laugh a little 'because laughter is good medicine." A no less depressing effect on the interlocutors is achieved by those who occasionally feel the need to tell a joke. What is perceived as harassment in the otherwise amusing story is the will of the storyteller to showcase a very artificial good humor, so to flaunt a psychological reality disguised to hide the real one. Explicitly spiritual content of the story is usually an implicit communication totally forlorn: "Look at 'that should tell jokes to be able to find fun things in life. "The jokes are by a small, insecure man-made island of hilarity in the dark sea of \u200b\u200bexistence.

Portraying themselves as being fans of happiness and laughter and then, usually , a clear sign of how much sadness you feel the same way as an enemy too strong to be able to compare with her. It feels so overwhelmed by its existence that the only evoke it makes her feel like a threatening presence. Yet it should be obvious to everyone it is not enough not to name things to make them disappear. Notoriously strategy ostrich never brings good results. The stark reality with all its sorrows so can be removed from the eye but no longer exists.
The strategy of the flight brings results very disappointing, since one can hardly escape an enemy who is inside. The hide and disguise is indeed a way to be with even greater virulence his aggression. The fear is not really fighting with unconsciousness, but with knowledge. How can you defeat an enemy if you do not know? And so, if you learn to resist the urge to push it away without the sadness as if it were a demonic vision, there is the opportunity to experience this great in some ways: to discover that it is not so terrible, that fact has also beneficial aspects. All

can, for example, to realize the benefits of those who find the courage to stay in bed one morning in the warmth soothed his depression, even if she were any disease. The act of rebellion against the daily burden of work can not fail to have positive effects on self-esteem. Similarly to remain quietly at home when friends or girlfriend wants to go to the game or dance provides an opportunity to effectively oppose the duty of happiness and lightheartedness. The strong-willed and conscious suspension of its obligations, including the fun, then it can take for themselves and for others the meaning of a healthy rebellion. In stasis dell'abulia one escapes the stultifying recur without the usual things that will and sense of life, which therefore produces depression and sadness. The goal can only be to regain the will to be what it was at that time or you can be. The gesture that apparently appears as a refusal of life with all its joys, actually accepts life in the primary form of freedom enjoyed by the insane, the infirm and the ascetics.

a closer look, then sadness, as well as other ways to escape the violence of taxation, is not really a disease but a significant reaction to food instead of the causes of the malaise leads it to remove them. There is just sick of this the power of attorney, namely partners, relatives, employers, colleagues, television presenters, ministers, priests, all those words that are siphoning off more or less consciously the mind and life of others. Must therefore think about all forms of discomfort such as medicine considers the fever: a rise in body temperature in a natural way that defends the body against infection. To this should be left to run its course without going down with the artifice of antipyretics. Similarly, the sadness as a gesture of emancipation from the world and its horrors has the function to free from the inconveniences and troubles of life. Far from being a sign of weakness on the contrary a show of strength because it gives the power to reclaim what is most needed in the ongoing confrontation with others, autonomy, independence, self-awareness.

Sadness can not then be considered the cause but the solution to the problems of the human condition in which it is necessary to deal with people and very depressing circumstances. And who knows how to enjoy the world and its affairs can not show too much surprise in the face of hardships that endeavor as well known as one not wholly independent from the others. If there was no penalty on Monday morning, the pleasure of the Sabbath would not be the same. Without working days no one would realize the day of party and also our life is not as important if not confined in space and time set by death.

If everything continuously draws the opposite then it is entirely reasonable to think of sadness as a source of joy. The satisfaction of living in peace with sadness opens the pleasure to represent and, therefore, to take his distance. The right of all human to find words for the pain of living, in a form of objectifying to contemplate or understand, is resolved in a bold gesture that appeals to life. Delivery, in fact, the man the pleasure of playful experiment, to play with the possibilities: the same causes that the bow, which they see the subject of suffering, a Once represented unfold tools available to its creative and playful mood. On the subject of pain becomes the subject of his representation, to be subjected to the tragic hero of his own sovereign will of others in fact, suffering from creature to creator satisfied.

A sadness not only lived but also represented, satisfying the urge to play and transformation, can shape it into harmony with their feelings. And in the pleasure of the transformation of pain into joy there is also its meaning. The pain makes it an object with its beauty and its function that allows for enjoyment and understanding it is contemplating. The option to mutate into a pleasant and meaningful experience that which is produced by the pain gives the fleeting thrill of feeling close to the creator, the instance in which anything is possible. The imperfections of grief, depression, despondency is becoming redeem in the game of representation, not its weakness but of its creatures. Although the position of one who is able to overcome the weakness of the creature and gain the power of the creator can only have an illusory nature, this illusion is to be accepted as an authentic resource. The fate of triumph over pain may well belong to humans only in the fleeting moment of the performance of its existence, not existence itself. But the pleasure of a game that turns sadness into its opposite is only for humans and it is foolish to deprive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Withdrawal Symptoms From Hrt Patches

35 ^ MURSELADA - Pianengo (CR)
Tours: km.6-12-20-30 - Home 08:00 to 08:30
U.S. Pianenghese - Via Berlinguer, 39 - 26010 Pianengo (CR)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Congratulation Marriage Letter To My Best Friend

Berlusconi Separated at birth: the joke about Hitler without quality

I know. This blog is a crisis of identity. Around choke the cinema. Moreover, these are not times to talk about something else. How could we ...?
I should go to the movies this afternoon. Instead I stayed home. The rain has convinced me to continue my reading of A Hero bourgeois. I immersed myself for hours in the tale of Stajano. I got lost in the maze of corporate climbing, Chinese boxes, complacent political, religious blessings ... I have read all the rotten Sindona activities, of which I know little or nothing. My information so far, and I do not mean to recapture the cinema by the hair, I came from Placido film, I saw at the time of the affair completely blank and so unprepared for the strong emotions that stirred me. I cried in the scene where Bentivoglio Ambrosoli testament reads the letter to his wife. And I shed a few tears to suffer again in the programs of these days, I am referring to those of the Rai and Minoli Piroso La 7. It's stronger than me: honesty touches me. I am preparing the first lesson of the year of Civics (Citizenship and the Constitution, and the Gelmini want the call). I decided to leave Article 54: faithfulness to the Republic. I will talk about Ambrosoli, then Caponnetto and then gradually the other servants of the Republic. I want to give my students positive examples, which may one day follow. This is why I am documenting on Ambrosoli.
Reading Stajano, I said, I brought in the waters of the Acheron and tortuous political and financial malfeasance. I also forgot the phone in silent mode, not hearing messages and phone calls. Andreotti, the Vatican, the Mafia, the Secret Service, attempted coups, the P2 ... the loneliness of Ambrosoli ...
for me were the years of vegetative life, how could I understand? In 1974, when I was born, there was the massacre of Piazza della Loggia, the bomb sull'Italicus, seizure Sossi ...
Mamma mia, here I lived in that state? All I seemed to be fine, as Sinatra sings, but would not do anything!
Taken from reading these thoughts and I absently turned on the TV. They had already made the eight, there was the news ... Berlusconi told a joke.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Snowboard Rails Blueprints

stupid 'IN PRAISE OF

The domain and overwhelming shame that stupidity has on us is demonstrated by how many people are surprised when they evoke the name of this monster. As I could also notes when, in my search for predecessors in dealing with stupidity, I found surprisingly few. (Robert Musil)

There are many defects and defects that even without a strong critical sense, it is generally willing to admit. Are not uncommon circumstances in which we can say without hesitation episodes of irritability, excessive throat forms of avarice and prodigality, even some envy and even lust. Virtually every deadly sin, all "live evil" as Aristotle called them, can be said without undue modesty. I'm not even all that unusual situations where it happens to even boast. Only a very poor quality is unusual to hear someone who admits to be infected: stupidity. Yet it seems that not a feature so unusual among human beings. Thus it is sufficient to recall an aphorism of Einstein, certainly not stupid (at least in scientific matters): "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but about the universe I still have doubts." It must then make us think the big difference between the its dissemination in the collective consciousness and its uniqueness in terms of individual consciousness, so to speak between the results of critical reflection and that of self-criticism. Without giving a reason unconditionally Lucentini Fruttero and when they say that for the stupid idiot is always the other, you can safely say that it is easy to recognize as the character of others, but is much more difficult when personal touch.

The reasons for this difficulty are different and even understandable. The cases in which one acts stupid accidents are considered in an otherwise sensible path, dropping from which to recover immediately and forget why they have nothing to do with what we are as a rule, think and do. The manager would short a stranger who insinuates itself at the moment for us making us do a bad impression. The inadequacy is his fault, not ours. Less if you recall the deeds and the more you take away, you think. Even for this stupidity, when it was done, it's always been investigated as a phenomenon and others as an anomaly. And the investigation has been conducted in order to diagnose and cure without being contaminated. Those who spoke did so usually with the detached attitude of a doctor who cares for the sick without being infected. The doctor, he thinks, must be healthy to be able to heal others. Not for nothing that the People advised him to take care of himself first. Who talks about the stupidity tends to do so then the fatal prospect of intelligence. The fact that this is not the ideal location for in-depth reports on the failure of all attempts not only to eliminate it but to understand it. Who has tried, albeit with considerable human and scientific efforts, it had to give up. Significant is the example of Gustave Flaubert, the writer who, as told his biographers, he was obsessed. Although I have spent many years collecting thousands of samples with the intention to expose and comment on a weighty tome, he could not carry out the work. Slightly more than one fragment is was also the novel Bouvard et Pécuchet , therefore a work in which he tried to deal with the tricky subject with the tools of literary fiction.

As medical students face when examining medical condition, it is inevitable feel about himself all the symptoms of stupidity when it is approached as though it were a disease. It is inescapable feeling inadequate, not in possession of the distance and the necessary authority to propose a therapy, if it turns out in the same position of patient in need of assistance. This is probably the reason why humanity has not yet been delivered to work that narratives and explains one of the most popular events, if not the most widespread of the human race. The absence
representations, investigation and reflection, a short scientific apparatus that stupidity submit to critical inquiry, as did many other characteristics of the human mind - think what it meant self-interest for the social sciences or libido for psychoanalysis, or the fear of death for philosophy - making it a land unexplored although everyone's face, directly or indirectly, everyday experience. Already relegated human stupidity in the event intended to grimace and derision, indicates the profound indifference of men to understand it. It seems then justified to think that you and mock you denigrate, try to avoid or eradicate the same way as a disease, just because you do not know poorly. If he had investigated more thoroughly in its phenomenology and its effects very likely it could re-evaluate and develop in all its positive powers.
Only short hint to what might appear as a kind of phenomenology of stupidity leads to assess it with more respect, even if only for the reason that it is difficult not to consider a dimension that relates to each of us, without exception. Meanwhile, it can be seen as a character is not immutable: it is not as physical appearance, height or eye color, which remain unchanged throughout the life of a man. Nor is it an exclusive nature because it can accompany the greatest minds and can emerge at any moment even in the human being more circumspect and respected. Stupidity is not in any case an angle that can be considered as an alternative to other, such as excluding the mild arrogance, or vanity, which excludes the modesty. Stupidity and intelligence can happily live without one is imposed permanently on the other. It can happen to anyone able to admire a great mind to dominate the modern physics particle and then listen as the product of the same mind, only a few minutes after the buffet, a long series of nonsense about different matters, the quality of white wine, the political situation, the last film by Pedro Almodóvar. For those who do not ever, ringalluzzito the success of a joke, then teased with success, to offer after a very silly joke? In short, there has to be considered, they have never experienced the sudden passing of intelligence to the favorable condition of the disheartening stupid. Our being is not driven by a single judge where to focus the totality of intelligence or all of the stupidity. There is in us than a sort of division of powers in the struggle between them, sometimes have the upper parts are responsible for intelligence, and sometimes those for stupidity.
It's not even correct to think that intelligence and stupidity are so different. So much so that there are in them look very similar. The stupidity can sometimes reveal much quality comparable to that of intelligence. It may happen that certain considerations such as, at first sight quite silly, open up a perspective on things unheard of revealing otherwise hidden nature. The inability to discern features that allows him to subvert the stupid the established order by returning to the world its original chaos, in short, destroying the conventions that distinguish artificially what is important from what is trivial, what is sacred and what is profane, what is meaningful from what is not. The risk of the court jester of ending up with the severed head depends largely on the seditious character that can take the stupidity. There is moreover a whole literary tradition, the picaresque, which feeds its subversive effects produced by the folly: the PICARO that reveals the irrationality of reason prevalent, the senselessness coated appearance wise. Not only did
stupidity can have very similar functions of intelligence may also be the opposite. Not necessarily, for example, that the will to achieve consensus on their intellectual gifts is availing itself of the automatic typical of stupidity. It is well known the fact of how the move to make them feel foolish painfully alone. In contrast, the smart has the pleasure of recognition of others. The psychological mechanism that rewards the intellect with the enjoyment of applause tends to inhibit the ability to carefully select fans. Despite the triumph of one's intelligence is a waiver of that normally characterizes it: discernment. There is no doubt that inexperience as both a unique character stupidity. And so obtuse acumen and sometimes tend to occur in unison.

However, from the perspective of the enjoyment of the stupidity that highlights the most interesting aspects. The interaction with the man who turns out to be a bit 'dumb offers something more, or at least different, than the experience with someone of obvious insight. The comparison with unholy behavior, with representations of reality and reflection can be relied on unreliable as a powerful stimulus to the autonomy of the proceedings. While intelligence is tempted by the abuse on others because it requires followers and admirers, stupidity leads the interlocutor to the affirmation of self and the manifestation of its position. If the other party of intelligence, seduced by the vision, tried to get into the hands of others, the stupid party is forced to rely on itself to become so intelligent on their own. While the intelligence assist in the drive to be conquered, stupidity calls for emancipation.
The transformation of the foolishness of others into opportunities free from the usual mechanisms selective and open to the wonder in the face of various facets of reality, the various types of the human mind. Therefore accept the stupidity no escape with the sneer or pedantic criticism indicates a willingness to accept without preconditions, what it offers the reality. This attitude of unconditional openness to the richness of creation is an indication of willingness to make sense even in what appears not to have it. There is content to accept only the value of things that there is an evident, but it takes possession of the right to find where is hidden and denied.