Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sand In Toilet Replace

And if you can the life you want

And if you can the life you want

at least try this for what is in you: do not squander it in too

business with people with too many words in a frantic bustle. Do not squander

carrying around at the mercy of the newspaper
stupid game
meetings and invitations,
to make a sickly alien.

Konstantinos Kafavis

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wedding Favor Pillow Box Template

Bonatti, eighty head-

Walter Bonatti is eighty years old. His life was an adventure because of consistency of choices in your back straight, looking in the face who often was forced to lower their gaze and meetings.
Walter Bonatti is an atypical Italian, and Italian is that everyone should be. Boy painful at the time of the war, has colored his dreams on the banks of the Po, the river looking like the ocean. And looking ahead, always. For fifteen years
wrote pages of mountaineering legend. It was fortified in the drama. In 1954, twenty-four years have not yet completed, was chosen for the great Italian race to the summit of K2 by Ardito Desio. And in what is known to history as the greatest mountaineering undertaking in our history, lived one of the most dramatic experiences. It was he, along with Sherpa Mahdi, to lay the foundation of "great triumph Italian" risked their lives together in a dramatic bivouac share over eight thousand. Without oxygen, without shelter, with equipment, modest in those days. Those were just a few meters higher, would-be conquerors of K2, were not fixed in place when he arrived Bonatti, full of energy that no one in the expedition had to give them the necessary tanks last attack. With that oxygen, Compagnoni and Lacedelli did the business.
Bonatti suffered fierce that memory, but remained silent ten long years. He became suspicious, it did, as they say, "zest" always preferred, since then, companies in solitary or few trusted friends. And ten years later, when his unselfishness that was sold as carelessness and arrogance, he began his battle to restore the truth. He did not controversial, right in this story was written backwards. He did not seek glory. That had already found with his exploits. Before, during and after. Many of them unique, all written in the annals of mountaineering.
It took time. So, too. More than half a century. After all, that of Desio was the undertaking of a nation that came apart by war, who needed heroes. Erode the wall has not been easy. It took someone like Bonatti. One who has never given up, and magnified by the voices against adversity.
closed the period of large companies with direct winter, alone, on the north face of the Matterhorn. And fifteen years later closed the relationship with period, for which he was a pioneer of reportage "in distant lands," because the director just wanted to force him to come time and manner of something that was and could only be his. "I had another job, but I could not do otherwise."
No, really could not, Walter Bonatti. It was not like he had set his life. A life eighty still shines, facing tomorrow, and it is a lesson that should be heard. No shortcuts to reach an objective. No compromises. The strength and awareness of the talent, cultivated without raising his voice. They are not simple choices, and in fact has often paid the Walter Bonatti. But today it is in history with his hands, his face clean with his creativity and the adventures that has given us, opening the mind. I am eighty
by applause. The adventure of a great man.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Disadvantages Of A Liquid Cooling System Engine

Fado amateur

The smells of roasted chestnuts
where are
The smell of roasted chestnuts

But here there are no hidden
are the things that are prepared as a thunder
Son things Hidden
have the scent of good weather.
Me the doctor ordered
A fado at each change of season
Me the doctor ordered
A fado at each change of experience
is a homeopathic remedy against

nostalgia is a drug
nice even though it may cause dependence.

I was born in Genoa
Cable cars and lifts creuze
I was born in Genoa City
lives of too many expectations are not
Lisbon, Coimbra
is not my country even more buses

I feel the soul of Portugal. Genoa City
good legs to walk
Flipper put poised
Where a storm rolls
Town songwriters
Mountain bikers on the high ground pools murderous
Half a minute and pollutes the sea. My amateur fado

Another verse and then I put the point
But there is a rainbow lame
drop into a grease spot
So sing me love
until somebody gives me the cue So

Sing us love until love has reached there.

Max Manfredi

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pink Ladybug First Birthday

happy birthday

My son is two years.
I have a list of presents ready for him.

A country where a minister says tiferebbe for everyone, rather than for the country that made him a minister.
The people around that he supports, that is right or wrong side. Tifa, fans and just fans.
A girl looking at a picture and Garibaldi says, "is a shepherd." Well yes, perhaps with a poncho that looks like us, maybe ...
The people laughing and cheering for the girl, and Garibaldi who?
Someone who says that here there are ever vigilant when needed, and what the fuck alone when I stop a moment in a double row for a coffee, and what the fuck is a moment ...
A TV news that puts in a row in order: the mother who threw baby out the window, depth (40 seconds) on the problems of postpartum depression, the father son pairs to a dispute, service on the title of Miss Bikini World, and about sea \u200b\u200bwhich are the trendiest places for your holidays?
An oil slick is expanding. So far we do not see that from here.
One says yes, I killed him, but as a matter of principle. A
child forcibly taken to his yacht. A failure to re
dancing better than the frog.
Arabian professionalism trampled.
One who walks on embers to teach you to be more shit.
And those children waiting for the day of the Child, the Solidarity Day, the day of the phones and get up every other day stare into space.

My son is two years.
I leave this wall of books even if we never find (at least him) some useful advice to change the world.