"Every time I see an Inukshuk Arctic, the Inuit know you were here before me for many, many thousands of years, and survived by hunting and fishing."
good fight. The points, with these words, Peter Irniq , professor of Inuit culture in Ottawa. Fight difficult to survive, which today has become even more uphill.
An Inukshuk, figure made with stones that the people of Arctic Canada served as a milestone, or to report a direction, has become popular in these Winter Olympics, which chose her as their symbol. These are the same Olympics in which a boy of twenty-one died falling from a sledge, and the next morning they called "guilty" because the show went on, after the necessary adjustments to a track that was a danger only to look at. Another story, bad story.
Inuit. They also have a bad history. Alcohol, despair, lack of future. A Tasillaq on the island of Angmassalik, Greenland, the beer flows freely on Saturday afternoon. Alcoholism is a scourge, for this ancient people that now, throughout the vast island, has a population of 56 thousand souls. And even suicide. Knows Robert Peroni, Bolzano, once a scout in those lands, which now has stopped. "Sometimes in a village of hundred people you count six or seven suicides in one year, all young people between 18 and 20 years. If these levels are interested in a big city, it would be a social emergency."
Peroni does not just observe. Fa Tasillaq invented "Red House" , the Red House where he began to save the Inuit. Especially young people, scattered and without a future, because of hunting and fishing, to which they lived their fathers, can no longer live, not even there. A service center. "But you could not live on welfare alone. We had to go further, offering an economic perspective" . From home office, the Red House has become a guesthouse for tourists, followed by the Inuit themselves during their excursions. Robert Peroni has chosen this path in order to keep these people in his environment, and give hope for the future. One way to go. That of a responsible tourism in which these people can still feel in control of their destiny in their homeland.
is not a story from Olympics and basically not even an Italian story. It 's the story of an Italian that the Olympics have, side, back in the spotlight. Also, thanks to an Inukshuk. At its millennial history.