Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Shoe Trend 2011: National Exhibition

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where To Buy Wooden Fingerboards In New York

Banda Bassotti against broadband

The other day I heard on Massimo Gramellini TV saying the government has set aside funds already provided for broadband to digital terrestrial. I was impressed because it is a lot of money. These are a few that give news is that it is important to know to understand, once again, to whom we are governed.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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"It is good and beautiful thing that you did not understand and what is even better when the new OCUR understanding makes it clear that you believed" (Friedrich Schlegel)

Many of us have had to deal with from an early age the reproach of not able to express ourselves clearly. "You speak and write more clearly," the teacher shouted at us with his stern look and signed in red with a "just enough", to little thoughts. "You can know what you tell me?" continued to ask his girlfriend first and then wife in front of our attempts to say anything clear at least the more mundane chores of everyday life. "Dad, I do not understand you, "was the phrase most often our children as soon as they realized that they have a thinking mind.

What then enjoy the clarity of great social and cultural prestige is testified to like about it, so say, is based on value judgments of a number of strikingly diverse disciplines and professions. Journalists, representatives, lawyers, teachers, doctors, clerks, politicians, ushers and so on, are good, they believe, if you explain in more simple and clearly as possible the affairs of their discipline and their work. In reality there are many reasons to consider that the clarity is, on the one hand, and overestimated the value the other hand, a weapon very violent and dangerous. A more careful consideration of the reasons that lead you to invoke and instincts that lead to demand from partners, enables us, in fact, to consider it critically, ie as a feature of verbal and written communication apparently able to facilitate understanding. You might also recognize the claim of clarity in certain circumstances, the will to use it as a mask to hide a pulse and a markedly authoritarian and violent. It is, in short, to expose what we actually want all those who demand clear and easily understandable words and ask if they will not hide a desire to dominate.

First we must ask questions about the plausibility of the reasons that lead to demand clarity in expression and argumentation, namely, in philosophical terms vaguely, if you can agree on a conception of language that rests in its transparency and its immediacy the premise and purpose of relational exchange. Mistresses and girlfriends, wives and children who insist on the point of clarity must necessarily believe that things of the world are already evident at the start and simply observe that we need to talk and to understand how they work. Not only that: they must also be convinced that the words clearly identify a reality and that there is already a consensus defined the conformation it assumes in the representation that gives us the language. It can therefore easily imagine how, at best, this radically unproblematic conception of reality and language that the document or explain, is generated by a clear epistemological naivete. We know very well, although sometimes it is convenient to forget that the world is not at all clear and logical and we need tools, such as language, to make it appear so. And we know then, although it is sometimes necessary to forget that words are not reality, but a means to represent and make, therefore, accessible to our understanding. Any representation, then, can only select, hide or highlight certain aspects of reality. The language always gives us a partial picture and perspective of the world even when it gets intersubjective consensus.

Those who do not understand us - or rather who refuse to accept not understand - then they run the risk, perhaps even unwittingly, to establish itself as inherently oppressive authoritarian model: the claim of clarity could hide the violent act to require everyone sees the world as we see them and that they give a representation corresponding to their way of expression. Under the guise of intelligibility may require, ultimately, that is talk to their words with those of their families and, therefore, may include without effort. Light is, in fact, what we understand and what we understand is also what is already known. The demand for clear words and things would then also hide unacknowledged mental sloth, laziness learning that inhibits the exploration of what is known beyond the borders. Authoritarianism and indolence report frequently to be hand in hand.

in the need for clarity, as in many violent behavior, you could see the symptom of a psychological weakness, in particular, may experience it as a symptomatic manifestation of insecurity. Clearly there are conformations so fearful of the psychological disorder that does not bear the slightest hint. And so they refuse to deal with the experience of chaos on them by a partner who, they say, would say things at random or irrelevant, or abstruse. It is therefore legitimate to suspect that they live in the minds of others waiting to find the same order that exists on their desk, in their drawers and in their libraries. The failure then to accept the possibility of different orders from them, would lead them to the arguments of an ethical and aesthetic based precisely guided by the clarity of expression and communication. That this mental process of removing their fears have its own opacity is twisted obviously an issue that may or may not want to face. However it is interesting to be surveyed critical beliefs that underlie the rejection of what appears to them as nonsense and chaos, most of the deepening of the psychological aspects that characterizes it. The most obvious and easily refuted belief is that simply means the dark as the negation of what is deemed clear. It - it is believed fallacy - would not have a foundation or its own reasons, but only destroy what others have laboriously built. It would, in short, a form of cannibalism because of the clarity that would live by eating other people product and return it in the dark.

In reality there is only one way to be clear and not a single way of being confused. Each schematization of reality, is that the simplification is that apparently should reproduce the chaos following its principles, its own order. This, then, that looks confusing and arbitrary as it may be ordered with its own logic, if you have the desire to linger in the observation and research. The pertinent question to ask yourself before darkness covers the principles, perhaps unknown to us, which is inspired and what is subjective expression. Incomprehensible speech should therefore be welcomed as an opportunity move the boundaries of what can be understood, to conceive different possibilities to introduce order and, in metaphorical terms, to walk in the direction of foreignness of our party. The suspend our conception of order and the delay in not understanding opens, in fact, a space to understand its uniqueness. The accept without anxiety not to understand, yet having to learn how to understand, should result in a wait undertaken to grant a representation of reality that you are not yet able to grasp the contours.

Darkness thus presents the advantage to recognize more clearly the subjective dimension of language and interpretive processes that implies: it is not the material logic of a system of encoded signs that must finally be understood, but the will of those who make use of these marks, a use that has some unique and unrepeatable. The subjective logic that underlies what we feel is clear and sensible inevitably fall into oblivion. The evidence of the way to forget the mediating function of language that carries with it the will of those who use it only as a trace, just as a suggestion. The immediacy with which it is clear that there reveals its meaning, illusion a certainty impossible - to have access to the actual intention of the speaker - and subtract the survey critical, since what we understand now is not under reflection. The reasons why the relevant questions about subjectivity, originality of those who express themselves, so many are in a clear text as they are in an obscure text.

clarity and obscurity are not ways to express themselves and to represent reality so different and so conflict between them, also clearly has its shadows, its secrets, only hidden them and makes it very difficult to identification. The darkness is a insidious dimension of clarity. To this can be a dangerous tool in the hands of those who want to impose as a general objective and that this binding, however, can always be special, subjective and worthy of critical response. The difference is rather in the function that gives expression and verbal communication. Proponents want the clarity of interpersonal understanding a thing that is obvious to happen every time you speak. Proponents of darkness, however, believe that understanding each other is a momentary thing that should be looked for and wanted every time you speak. One speaks when I think I understand something of the reality, others talk to understand something.

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Piero Calamandrei - Speech on the Constitution to students in Milan 1955

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Repetto lace-school dance "Dance in the City" Lodi 2011

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/ / Dancewear California / / partner of the National Review dance schools "City in Dance" Lodi 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Micam: Repetto presents the new collection autumn - winter 2011/2012

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Here's the video of Willow Smith for "21st Century Girl" VIDEO

Saturday, March 5, 2011

School Fete Invitation Wordings

Sunday, March 6, 2011

37 ^ walk between the farms
ValeraFratta LO, Italy
Sunday, 03/06/2011 from 8:30 to 9:00
Type: Non-competitive
Distance: ; 6 - 13 to 21
Organization: GP Valera Fratta

4 th of Gir from sběr Fanench
Oratorio Offanengo CR, Italy
Sunday, 03/06/2011 from 8:00 to 9:00
Type: Non-competitive
Distance: 7 - 14-21
Organization: Running CSO Offanengo

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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"The prejudices of the individual, far more than his judgments, they are the truth of his being"
(Hans Georg Gadamer)

certainly can not say that prejudices enjoy a good reputation. If even defects such as intolerance, or even real crimes such as racism, you are willing to even admit to a slight contamination with adversative sentences like "I'm tolerant, but ..." "I'm not a racist, but ... "is very unusual for someone to relativize their ability to recognize and avoid them. They are so numerous and so serious criticism to which they are facts that all or nearly all, are careful not admit of being infected in any way. The metaphors that are harmful aspects have nothing to envy in negativity to those who suggest the Deadly Sins, the "wedding of evil" as Aristotle calls them. They are "wearing", it is believed, as you put blinders on and blinkers, we all know, foolishly restrict our attention, we deny the overview of each of us, we still believe, could have, only the wanted. The prejudices, we still know, as glasses are deforming, and every time we put them preclude us look at things as they are, we see the world of facts, and ideas of bodies, but only one crippled by the filter of misleading fake glasses.
Who then has the ambition to uncover the rational conceptual errors that preaches them based on the absence in that which characterizes them, or should characterize the true, the authentic exercise of thinking: the thinking, the ponderosa and discern. In their place will be fixed ideas about mechanisms that can not be blocked or influenced by reasoning nor by experience. Therefore reflects a radical form of unconsciousness and absolutely not because it would leave to remove or experience or by reasoning.

Because they are so considered the emblem of all ignorance and narrow-mindedness, is very seldom the case in which someone calmly accept and recognize their own to draw the necessary consequences. The mote in our neighbor is known to be much more visibility of its beam. And so, in general, yes hunts them only where they are most obvious: those that occur in the attitudes and arguments of others. The prey is easy because it's easy to be right when you report an injury. It is, on closer inspection, the same ease of a thought supported by a preliminary scheme: we shall immediately and without much effort no doubt review.
In fact, if you really intend to hunt them down, should pursue, hunt down and kill all the prejudices, not just those that seem most obvious, even their own then. Among the latter is certainly one can mention more subtle bias, namely the prejudice against prejudice: not so sure, on reflection, that they are so useless and harmful as people think. At negative bias against them certainly contributes to, in turn, biased overestimation of what is commonly meant by legal proceedings. An assessment differs from the injury, it would even be the opposite, because it would be the result of pure reflection, careful consideration and discernment. It would be short, the product of our attention is not limited on things, a look, therefore, able to seize them in their entirety and in their factuality. On the one hand, from the injury, we would find a partial perspective on reality and inattentive to what it actually is, and second, that of the trial, we find attention to both the totality of reality and its objective conformation. A trial, thus, is opposed to the injury of a virtually unassailable position: it would be the perfect product of ideal conditions as perfect. It is assumed that whoever is able to express an opinion free from bias, can open up their perspective and mind in every significant dimension of reality and can be abstracted from a particular perspective to capture the world of things, persons and ideas that are in themselves. So they arise independently gaze that observes and the mind that understands. This assumption can not itself be highly preconceptual, indeed quite illusory since it relies on a certain denied in the most radical experience and reason: the belief that man is able to break free from constraints, from associated with its contingency, its historicity, its temporality. Thinking outside the world in which we act and it is reflected that can not be the result of an illusion, namely dell'inammissibile claim to be able to enjoy a perspective outside of time and a clearly defined by precise boundaries. Remain in them, find a boundary after another limiting constantly looking perspective and makes it therefore unstable and constantly changed, is what characterizes the human condition and is also what marks its own judgments, not just their own prejudices.
For these reasons, a closer look, judgments and prejudices between the distance is not so great as is commonly believed, and differences were noted by more than a temporal level, primarily historical, not on the logic of reason. What distinguishes a review from an adverse effect is thus fundamentally related to time and space, not the rigor or completeness of knowledge with which you will get. The story, among many other things, teaches us how this than in the past was considered a case of course, eventually took the form of a preliminary knowledge. The history of science, for example, is nothing but the history of valid knowledge that over time, with "progress" were downgraded to limited knowledge knowledge based on erroneous and incomplete, therefore biased. The Galilean physics, just to mention one of the clearest examples in this regard, it seems to us both ruling and the result of a limited perspective, but rather what it replaced, namely the one that made us believe it was the sun going down over the ' horizon and not the earth to rotate around itself hiding. So much so that the prose of Galileo can be considered just like poetry, not science. The rest are still poetic texts they send us into ecstasy with just that enchanting sunsets and moons that we revel in its diverse forms.

The difference between a trial and an injury is detected in a given because their temporality is linked essentially to their duration: the longer a knowledge is valid and most live below the species of the trial. Each time you acquire new knowledge, every time you look at reality from different point of view, here the previous reviews seem inexorably in their capacity as prejudices. Why despise them just because, like all human affairs, their fate is time being, to stay in time and, therefore, to change? The age can never be neither a crime nor a reason to blame because that is what remains as indelible character of man and of all that concerns him. The war against prejudice, the struggle waged by the Enlightenment, would result in paradoxical forms based on a dream if it were human, too human, to be able to assign ratings divine prerogatives as finality, universality ol'atemporalità. What can combat irrational prejudices, biases and judgments that are not yet, is their acceptance as the possibility of knowledge and experience, not the illusion of their removal from the human condition. Already in the acceptance of their temporary nature and willingness to investigate the conditions quotas, is a gesture of knowledge given to the rationality that belongs to us. The more one is aware of the transience of all judgments, the more one is conscious of its dependence on the given conditions, the more there is need to compare judgments made in other conditions

Without ruling, however, expectations, without our limited and partial construction of what do not know better, there is the possibility of any knowledge. To meet each other or to face the unknown we need to figure using the few elements of knowledge we have. Only by comparing the representation made by the glimmer of our knowledge and that produced by subsequent knowledge allows us to understand things differently and, therefore, better. The revision of our prejudices opens us to a knowledge that changes the shape of our skyline. To be able to make any injury, and then have the ability to recognize it as such - for example, that the Anglo-Saxon food is bad or, conversely, that Italians do not know how to enjoy the pleasure to drink a coffee - it is imperative that an Italian has at least a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are the blood pudding, or a UK has at least as seen in photos are the Italian bars. Only through the injury creates expectations that can then be confirmed and denied. Without the injury, there can certainly be no clash and no waste, but no meeting and no change in their positions. And it is precisely the injury while making conscious that there are other ways to eat or a drink. It is then up to everyone to decide for themselves what they like and whether and how to change their tastes.

You can then well be argued that the prejudices have their basic utilities: they are the indispensable first step of knowledge, provide opportunities to recognize it as a temporary and limited and therefore change; offer, ultimately, consciousness than is necessary in all its confirmation or its revision. The experience that we have leads to an awareness of radical criticism that there is no knowledge which may be recognized as the authority to impose themselves without being subjected to a review of current aspects of ruling.

Injuries have, however, a function which too often forgets the importance. And 'thank you to them if we can demonstrate and also reveal what we are helpless with all our limitations. In the prejudices we express no possibility of hiding in the guise of caution and certainty provide to the thought and experience shared. The certain knowledge that achieve consensus - the collective opinions that no one recognizes even in their capacity as prejudice - say nothing of us, hide what is ours distinguishes us and makes us unique. Any attempt to unify moves into the background what in us is more authentic and truthful. Our prejudices are a reflection of who we are with all our limitations, our limited possibilities. When we let our prejudices occur freely we can not lie, we can not put the mask of a faultless accuracy. It is then due to their free deployment that we recognize how we are and we can measure both the differences between us and them, between what is believe and what we believe. In this way we can offer is to compare ourselves with others, both to rebuild our location, our history. In this sense, the condemnation of the injury as a knowledge not true can not lead them to deny the truth: they speak of us, as we were, and how we have become. They teach us that we are on the way, rooted in the knowledge that reliable and stable is to ignore the path we are on.


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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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A woman warrior for Dimension Dance

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Compustar Reviews 2010


The event was held in Florence at the Fortezza da Basso, February 24 to 27, in a festive atmosphere and passion!
Florence, February 27, 2011 concludes in the sixth edition of Danzainfiera, the most important international event dedicated to the world of dance that This year, for four days, filled the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, an increase of 10% of the public compared with 2010. About 250,000 visitors have flocked from all over Italy for an event which this year has smashed all records: 14 halls, 65,000 sqm of space in total, 13 thousand square meters of exhibition space, 5 boxes and 3-track, 25 000 dancers and many schools and dance groups from all over Italy.
"I am very pleased with the influx of this sixth edition - has declared the patron of Alexander Danzainfiera Sanesi - The event continues to grow and the numbers give us reason, and tomorrow we will start working next year's edition. We want to bring the spirit Danzainfiera in the streets and theaters of every Italian city, "said Sanesi.
were over 400 events in four days they did dance Florence, with a special program that involved every discipline and genre of dance, from classical to belly dance, hip hop, samba, country dances Eastern from the lessons of Cheerleading, the Twirling, from burlesque to rollerblading. Hilarious
the live broadcast of Radio Kiss Kiss by Marco Baldini who interviewed the children of "Friends" dressed in traditional costumes of burlesque, complete with feather boas and masks.
The event ended with the last special guest, the greatest dancer Tango living, Roberto Herrera who gave a lesson to all lovers of tango and gave everyone a gem of his show "Buenos Aires Tango show.'' Impossible to mention all the other events that have taken the bench in recent days, among which we remember the Grand Gala Opening of MaggioDanza the Expression Competition 2011, the Third Edition of the Prize that MPS Italy Dancing, the Musical Day 5, "The Twilight" in dance, Burlesque Mania, "The Black Souls" the new show of the children of friends.
Many dancers and artists who were guests of the event including Carla Fracci, Giuseppe Picone, Ruben Celiberti, Francesco Gizzi, Alex Macario, Laura Escalada Piazzolla, Kledi Kadiu, Salvatore Manzo and many others.
Among the successes of this year to include certainly the area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters dedicated to Pilates in conjunction with Cruisin 'and the many competitions in dancesport Danzainfiera that led to the World Championships, World Cup and the Italian Championship with ANMB, FIDA and IDC and many disciplines involved, from tango to the Caribbean. The FIDS (Italian Dance Sport Federation) has taught us all to become skilled dancers also ... in an hour!
If there was, or if there will be a meeting Danzainfiera 2012!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Monday, February 21, 2011

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Danzainfiera 2011: COME AND DANCE WITH U.S.!

At the start the most important event in the world dedicated to dance and dance!
From 24 to 27 February 2011 in Florence, four days to dance and dream

Five years of success and a sixth edition, will promises to be extraordinary. Fortezza da Basso in Florence, 24 to 27 February 2011 , Danzainfiera back in four days of missed appointments for an event even greater: 14 halls, 65,000 sqm of space in total, 13 thousand square meters of exhibition space, 5 boxes and 3 runs. If you love dancing you'll be spoiled for choice among hundreds of events, shows, lessons with teachers from around the world, competitions, leagues, competitions and famous guests. There are also the best brands in the industry, from large corporations to craft workshop, coming to Florence to present the new collections and products to the buyers and the general public.
Ben 400 events in four days and engage in a unique program for each discipline and see show every kind of dance, from classical to belly dance, hip hop to samba, from country to Oriental dance. Even the lessons Cheerleading, Twirling and of roller-skating with the show of European Champion!
There are lots of events that await the public in this sixth edition: Broadway fans will be able to attend such Musical Day 5, during which will challenge the most talented Italian schools, or experience first hand the workshop on singing and dancing choreography Mamma Mia! , The Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan and Patty ! You have a lot of courage from your hand and a healthy pinch of exhibitionism? Then you should know that in 2011 Danzainfiera is Burlesque Mania! A review entirely devoted to the soundtrack of the film with Christina Aguilera and Cher and free lessons for all! Those who prefer the retro charm of the Gothic can not miss "The Twilight ", a show dedicated to the famous vampire saga by Arezzo Tuscany Ballet. Fans of friends will not be disappointed even this year will be able to see the young protagonists of the famous Mediaset broadcasting in many talk shows and in their new show " Black Souls" (in collaboration with Blue Production ).
will also be possible to see a legend living as the Argentine Tango Roberto Herrera performed in the "Buenos Aires Tango Show" or meet many other celebrities as Kledi Kadiu and the great Giuseppe Picone . For there is also the more obscure Nomad Dance Fest, a festival dedicated to the dances of the nomadic gypsy routes: from Rajasthan to Persia, from Turkey to Egypt, from Morocco to Spain! In short, everyone can really find the right pace to have fun and stay fit.
Also, in conjunction with Cruisin, an entire area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters this year will be dedicated to the Pilates , with new classrooms and programs and original as "Yoga Dance 2" and many others! But the news does not end there as never before in the dance sport will Danzainfiera a major international stage. Four days of racing and World Championships, World Cup and Italian Championships with ANMB, FIDA and IDC and many disciplines involved: from Tango to Salsa, from Mambo to Bachata, until smooth and even the Rock'n Roll and Boogie Woogie! Finally, an entire pavilion will be devoted to FIDS-CONI , where the great masters of Italian Dance Sport Federation will perform and teach all the secrets of the dance ... even in an hour!

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/ / / / Italian dance radio

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Make Male Anklets

Dancehouse Danzainfiera 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Do I Know My Glove Size In Lacrosse

NYFW: flash mob Moncler Grenoble / W 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Biology Cellular Respiration Poem


"He also has problems of liquor" (W. Busch)

We know, or think we know what needs to feel good, satisfied and happy: realize a dream, or simply to complete a successful project. Is this a common conception of happiness undoubtedly recalling the myth of the triumphant warrior, even if he discounted the figure of the self-made man or that of the athlete: you go out winners by a heroic struggle against the opponent's turn, ie against a reality that opposed to our wishes. Thanks to our will, strength, determination, intelligence, cunning, luck or anything else, we ensure that it adheres to our will and gives us what we aspire to, will turn in our project and in our dreams. The triumph makes us experience the thrill of feeling belonging to a kind of elected rulers: we are convinced that men are destined to get what they want, which is in their power to give substance to what they imagine and they can submit reality to their free desire. Their task is commonly thought, would be to design and produce a world better than what they were originally intended.

To tell the truth are many opportunities that we suggest should be a huge imagination to pretend that the man has written in his destiny to conquer and the power to direct their own and others' fate to the horizons happy he can imagine. This not only because, unlike the stories of how to claim a certain film, certain novels or games at the end of our life we \u200b\u200bfind the happy celebration of a happy ending. You can be pretty sure that our story will end in the quiet stillness of a cemetery. We will not, in the end, gloriously to take possession of the land, but the earth will be welcoming us to finally take possession of us. If we learn to become aware of our illusions we soon realize that, apart from temporary and fleeting victories, our destiny is to have to make a rule to deal with partial successes and fleeting, if not with bitter defeats. Instead of a victory we have in fact often, very often, its opposite, namely a setback. And we must come to terms with this architect, for example, something to compensate for the lack of success.

While thus confined only to quantitative assessments, it is understood that efforts would be good not only to get a win, but to always have a surrogate with which console. For this simple reason we should worry first about what to do when you find that instead of waiting and hoped for gratification you get something much, much less. Every time I rocked a hope or confidence to entrust our happiness in the success of a company, we would So good to also think about possible ways out in probable case in which hope is disappointed or betrayed trust. Buy red roses in the exclusive certainty of an evening in good company is, for example, an operation that can cost major depression: nothing is more depressing than seeing their illusions vanish exactly when to put to the test of reality . Wise would complement the romantic thought, for example, booking a night at the bowling alley with friends. It will not be hard to find them an excuse when the roses produce exceptionally the desired effect. Much more difficult would be to stay home to care for his defeat.

only care to make something that can not be achieved with something else that gets easier, you learn to be what is ultimately the man is forced to be: someone who knows he must deal with a reality not just malleable, only partly tamed and unmanageable. We should think of something that, by replacing what we have not complied, may compensate for the pain of a loss of happiness that we had, in the meantime, have quickly begun to enjoy.
How, in fact, happiness is not entirely related to the occurrence of specific events is illustrated by a rather curious with which we experience. The idea that can explode at the time of triumph and only belong to it alone is too schematic and simplistic to account for the complexity, never complete rationality and accessibility of its phenomenology.
One could even say that the fundamental moments of happiness we live them before the time at which you think should unfold fully. Much of human happiness is produced, in fact, already in the trust and hope does not begin only when the expectation is fulfilled or when the promise is kept, but when they start our trust and our hope. Just look in the eyes of those who approach the box office of Lotto, or those who come to the stadium or even of who is entering into a good restaurant. There is still nothing that can explode happiness, yet the light in their eyes tells us that this explosion has already begun to take effect. It is therefore of happiness produced by the possession of which there is concrete, but of what is in place, it anticipates or replace it. We enjoy in any case, in other words, not primarily the surrogate of the original.

Enough, in fact, a little experience of things in life to realize that the victory itself, once reached, it gives us the same happiness that we had imagined. Given that happiness is rarely achieved so complete and satisfying as one had hoped, so is then rely on countless opportunities to achieve it, might as well accept it wisely as well as a desire not fully materialized offers opportunities to be seized in order to meet our aspirations.
human experiences, even when they realize our dreams - not just so disappointing when they brutally - present themselves to us as necessarily imperfect and limited to the comparison of how we fantasize. If successful, it not only blow, leaving you feeling not to have achieved what we were looking for means that we have no way out: we have to get used to accept as inevitable the gap between what we get and what we want. This discrepancy, however, has not only adverse effects, in fact gives us an opportunity too often not considered. is, in fact, a valuable character of our human nature that makes us happy start to desire for perfection that has been foreclosed. For this you can safely say that any of the ideal compensation is a vital necessity not only to not fall into depression but also to continue to design future happiness, and enjoy it straight away. On closer inspection it can be acknowledged in the very constructive dialogue with the imperfection of a replacement warrant to us mortals what the ultimate reward to which we aspire. is a resource for the happiness of us humans if after buying houses and boats, won the heart of the woman, or simply found a bakery with any madeleine childhood, there is always a remnant of dissatisfaction that makes us seek a more fulfilling and more joy complete.
If success is never as exciting as it is in reality ' Imagine what would then be happy if not the fantasy of a future happiness as a substitute for the denied in the present?'s imagination a happiness that has yet to be done cheerfully takes the place of happiness is not yet fully complete. The great cunning and skill to find human replaced, that for example, exchanging cleverly dissatisfaction with the joys of a disappointment of expectation, hope and trust, it is probably our greatest resource. Chagrin incomplete cleverly makes us open to the experience of imaginary completeness. It matters little whether this is through the surrogate of a fantastic performance as the same allows us to take our vital dose of happiness. And more frequently we encounter what we and we are led more and happily imagine what we have and what we can be when our lives will conform to our hopes and our confidence. Precisely this ability to replace a defective happiness - even if real and present - with a perfect happiness - even if fantastic and the future - we can get the compensation of a pleasure, just for luck, will never come to us exactly as we had expected.

consciousness can always count on compensation for the completeness and perfection must give us the knowledge that their distance from the completeness - For example that of the divine - the man knows how to find a way to carve out his chance of fulfillment. It is therefore considered a substitute for all our desire as a way entirely appropriate to satisfaction which man can aspire. It is, in other words, the desire to enhance image of a happiness that can not humanly be fully accomplished, as a source of gratification of man's original and only all closed to the divine. The gods do not know how to find joy in imagining the happiness for the simple reason that they already possess everything. This is fortunate to be prohibited which can have no knowledge and no experience. For this reason, therefore, can not even try and find a replacement. Knowing how deeply feel gratified in incomplete form of a surrogate, then, means that the human being is capable of enjoying human happiness possible and to accept the setback as a fortunate opportunity of its distance from the perfection of the divine. This is, after all, considering his ability to draw nell'astuzia its own weakness, incompleteness and dissatisfaction stimulus to happiness that is possible and is proper. It is not his will to dominate, nor the power over things - a source of illusions and defeats - but the cunning to make the best possible from its weaknesses tool at its disposal to find its balance and its prosperity.

Finding a good substitute and can compensate for all that happiness does not miss requires extraordinary qualities, like those of almost superhuman heroes. There is no need of great courage, daring and reckless deeds that bear witness of heroic virtue. If there are great successes to celebrate, do not even need to have the strength and power of the great conquerors. It takes quite moderate virtues of modesty, wisdom and dell'astuzia because they allow us to try and find what compensates for our failures and our weaknesses. The real man, not the myth of ideological constructions, advertising and all our illusions, nor indicated its peculiarities as to be triumphant, but as a being able to compensate for the missing trumps and make the least possible damage from defeats. Sometimes he even manages to turn in their favor. The human species is a species for the final triumph, but to perpetual defeat. His specialty and its strength is being able to live peacefully in the great enterprise with its large extent and, from time to time, to do so in a profitable way for its balance, its serenity and its gratification.