Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Colors Good On Brown Skin


I will not say the film, not the sharp eye on the vices of Italian atavistic.
The truth is that I was shocked by his suicide, as it struck me that of Lucentini.

I can not think of his words on hope. Words that acquire a new force after the suicide.

In particular, when he says that hope is a deception of the Church to placate the faithful comes to mind Bonhoeffer, his concept of Christianity adult ( etsi Deus non daretur ) from which it derives its interpretation of redemption, or of Christian hope. In the letter to Eberhard

Bedhge of June 27, 1944, Bonhoeffer wrote:

«[...] here [in the Old Testament] is a historical redemption , ie this side of the limit of death, while in all other cases, the myths have precise purpose of the redemption exceed the limit of death. Israel was redeemed from Egypt because they can live before God, on earth as God's people seek redemption myths of eternity ahistorically back to death.
[...] [...] it is said that Christianity was decisive in the fact that have been announced in the hope of resurrection, and therefore so was born a true religion of redemption. The center of gravity, then falls into that which is beyond of the limit of death. And here I see the error and danger. Redemption Redemption means then of worries, from the pains, fears and longings, from sin and death, in a better afterlife. But this would be the essential point of the ad content of Christ in the Gospels and in Paul? I deny it. Christian hope of resurrection is different from those mythological in that it refers to men their lives on earth in an entirely new and even stronger than in the Old Testament. The Christian always has one last escape from earthly tasks and difficulties in the eternal, as those who believe in the myths of redemption, but should enjoy to the full life on earth as Christ did ("My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ) and just making sure that the crucified and risen Christ is with him and he is crucified and risen Christ. The aldiquà should not be discontinued prematurely. In this, the New and Old Testament are in agreement. The myths stem from the experience of redemption of the human limitation. Christ, however, grabbed the man at the center of his life. "

There is no doubt that my lies, putting the words of Bonhoeffer to those Monicelli: Monicelli if I had known these words, If the Church had been able to explain so profound meaning of Christian hope, if he had the opportunity, which was an intellectual, meditation ... it would be killed anyway?


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