Saturday, January 29, 2011

Left Shoulder Pain Car Accident

unpredictability '

Security is mostly a superstition. Does not exist in nature, nor the baby man can prove it. Avoid the danger is not safer in the long run, which openly exposed to it.
(Helen Keller)

More of hope is the fear that leads to look carefully for the future: from novice to a lover of extreme sports, fresh from a spouse of marriage to an heir potential, from a farmer a hypertensive, all in their way, are organized so that the future does not bring with it surprises. Through protracted and detailed exercises, or special affection, or commitment and discipline, everything is being done to prevent contingencies. The vision is the indispensable gift for those who want to take care of the future, namely the knowledge to predict and prevent what could happen unfortunately. In this sense it is important to learn from previous experiences, and know how to perceive warning signs unfavorable changes before they happen.

In fact, the man in its long history has not done much other than try to imagine and to prevent disasters that could befall him. His talent has largely used to defend against the dangers still present, although not always possible. The nature, though welcome him, offering food and comfort, he could always go crazy suddenly showing the face of terrifying and deadly floods, fires, earthquakes and other catastrophic events. Coexistence with other beings and are much stronger and faster than he considered it an excellent food, forced him to develop the insight necessary to anticipate future moves and to avoid entering them on the same street. The cave and the club were probably his first measures to protect against natural phenomena and extraordinary threat to risky encounters. The danger of being deprived in a moment from all that was closest to his heart has so distracted by his immediate needs and thus ensure that his attention was talking about the future. This effort has allowed him to return with some certainty in its more usual chores. The struggle for survival, therefore, was and still is in many ways, the fight against everything that stands in its quiet life and its projects. The research of caves

increasingly safe and comfortable from the first fire which was used to keep away the wild beasts, you may well say, man has walked on the streets. His genius enabled him to make progress against all forms of unimaginable unexpected because of his experience and his knowledge collected and processed in suitably diverse areas, areas which in modern times occurred with the names of the different sciences. Under the application then of his scientific knowledge into practical tools, namely the technical, the fight against it has almost imponderable, in moments of great enthusiasm, considered the master of his fate, to be considered able to predict every evil unexpected event. With science and technology, man has thus found a formidable weapon against the fear of sudden obstacles to the achievement of its intent. Even the fight against the fear of illness and death, while far from won, sometimes he appeared as a way to be able to be traveled successfully. However, despite all the efforts undertaken and intelligence he has not been possible to avoid that occur with a some regularity of unpredictable catastrophic events. The human pretension to control the bizarre mutability of its environment has thus proved to be a vain hope, a false illusion. Perhaps a cruel irony of a Supreme Being at the very time that it takes more strength to his will to become the architects of their own destiny, man must unfortunately see a disastrous event that inevitably feel at the mercy of forces over to him.

The disaster caused by the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 is just one of many cases destroy the dream of man on the chance to check out unexpectedly. The vehemence of its impact disillusorio is determined by the fact that it is precisely inevitably occurred at a time when the Enlightenment had spread cylinder engine optimism about the possibility of withdrawing from the unpredictable domain. Faced with the disaster response to Lusitanian Voltaire, Rousseau and Kant have also learned so downcast because as perhaps in no other age was believed to bring the man on the street in the control of their destiny. Since succeeding his disenchantment Lisbon earthquake modern man has not yet lifted. So much so that the Poem on the Lisbon disaster of Voltaire, Rousseau's response to the letter, the short essays in which Kant reflects on the physical causes of the earthquake Lusitano are the voices of a problem that remains current. Their views on human reactions to the unpredictability of natural disasters and moral certainty deliver a disillusioned awareness of humans that until now the fabulous progress in all areas of science and technology have not yet scratched: if there are forces unleash their destructive fury of the 'man is unprepared and has no chance to defend themselves.

The last 250 years have not passed in vain, however, and you can see significant differences from the past. Even the scientific thought of the Enlightenment put us on a path that we are still taking: the weather, for example, are no longer considered in the category of superior forces, invisible, and malignancies that can be countered only with the search for higher forces and just as invisible. Phenomena are not entirely incommensurable as they can be investigated in their causes and expected. Now you can prepare when a disaster arrives: there is a time to build protective barriers, to evacuate the populations of entire cities. To some extent you can even think about not only how to defend itself, but to act directly on the phenomena: one is considering the possibility of mechanical engineer who can remove the fog to the safety of motorists, many then swear on the effectiveness of gun shots against time. Even for earthquakes, there is already who think they can be prevented. In many cases it is certainly impromptu actions of cheaters, but it is the history of science teaches us that over time some charlatans were subsequently considered great innovators.

However, despite all the expensive scientific apparatus, man is freed of his ancestral sense of insecurity, not complete control over his fate. This is primarily because science contributes frequently to the spreading of insecurity even as it undertakes to reduce or even eliminate it. The prevention of side effects often manifest fact that, in turn, and so undermine their own security to be achieved. In the era of the Cold War, for example, the arsenals bear sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapon if one could be a top defense against the hostile powers through their deterrent effect, the other exposed to the risk of terrorist attacks, natural disasters or even always possible simply human error or negligence cause an explosion at least as catastrophic to a hostile attack. It is also known as the defense of their wealth by transforming their home into a bunker and a kind of direct communication to a target decidedly criminal, thieves and criminals is indicated precisely where they can find what they are always looking. There are obviously many more possibilities to show how the increase in security goes hand in hand with increased risk. Think of the technology used to run vehicles: supporting the disengagement, the devolution and irresponsibility of the driver, tends to produce at least as many risks as those that prevent. Or you just think defensive impulse as old as the man who relies on the carrying of weapons: the mild city used to challenge the most remote or scissors garden does not have cards in hand so promising when it is forced to duel learn against criminals who have and know how to make professional use of guns or sawed-off shotguns last generation.

Science and technology then they can do nothing when the individual Everyone has to deal with tragedies involving only the unique and unrepeatable circumstances of his life. One could feel a sort of relief to learn that, thanks to medical advances, it belongs to a privileged generation to a life expectancy greater than all others. However, no living being can entrust his general serenity in this figure because it can always happen by chance to be shot dead by a tile that an evil gust of wind blows the roof fall while walking down the street safely. The personal dimension destroys the certainties offered by any statistical calculations as large numbers can not contemplate the misfortunes to which they individuals.

For all these reasons, albeit important, however, there is no need to give up science and technology. Their function is of great importance though perhaps not exactly what is generally recognized and that they enjoy great social prestige. While some antibiotics for bacterial infections ABS braking systems for vehicles rather impetuous to avert otherwise inevitable tragedies every day, as is also true for many circumstances of life science and technology can not act in any way. However, the fact that, by virtue of their ability to solve certain problems, the narrino their success as a triumphant time, recounted the stories of mythological heroes, and sometimes even a stray for their mission of saving humanity, means that they have assumed a role of great importance for the modern man. Precisely meet her very human impulse to feed the playful illusion of power being what it is, its tendency to forget what their limits. Thus, if you rely on them as we rely on the pleasure of a gay, temporary and partial representation of the self and the world, then you can ask them what they can give without investing inhuman tasks. It should, therefore, that science and technology are taken, in addition to their limited utility, as dream and fantasy like. A man does not know what games to play at any time be betrayed by the seriousness with which the Seer himself and his world. The risks are more dangerous than that to which we encounter, without being able to recognize, even transforming them into instruments of protection. Thus there is a danger of inviting incediari at home with the intent to protect against fire. Accepting an indispensable part of unpredictability, learning to live with it instead maintains vigilant and prepare for them. At worst, facilitates the task of tremendous human reconciled with what is happening, whether foreseeable or not.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moccasins Fur Outside

phone call to Berlusconi infidel: Gad Lerner insults and orders the ... Article 54 of the Constitution

The call of the infidel yesterday shows that our Prime Minister is in the situation of a wounded beast, dying but still alive. It 's the most dangerous situation: that of a twisted tail. B. is willing to defend with all his strength and does so in an open field. Of course, the battlefield is chosen by him and his, as always, are the rules of the game. These are the media. There, the home team. His weapons are the language of the media that he knows better than others, because as it stands, he invented it, in twenty years of virtual monopoly of television. For this is an interesting speech yesterday to the infidel. The transmission of Lerner has in fact always tried to counter the other television programs not only in content but also in language, less television and more "literary." Lerner has always been opposed to Rumble reasoning and comparison of positions, ideologies, religions, sometimes opposite. The pirate boarding B. has shelled this language, reaffirming its linguistic rules: trivial insults, aggression, verbal brawl. The striking contrast between the two linguistic forms has revealed the distance between two worlds, far more profound and irreconcilable conflicts between the old Catholics and Communists. The invitation to
Zanicchi to get up and leave was not a simple suggestion, but the order given by the boss to the employee. The order of the master. This order is not extemporaneous, but is the result of a media strategy designed a coffee table, that Santanchè was the first to put in place, leaving both the program Santoro from "Agora". The media counter, therefore, provides phone-ins and boycotts by the Head of the programs by subject, soldiers loyal to his general to the personal sacrifice of their dignity and independence. All united by the motto Ruby "as long as he eats there, the soldiers follow the line of the garment to deny the obvious.
would be tempted to be discouraged, but I remember thinking that Italy always comes to the bottom, but then stands up better than before. There are some positive aspects timidly. For example, the Church, understood as its political leaders, appears to have lost patience. From the Pope to Cardinal Bagnasco Sodano, the line seems to give B. In fact, polls in the third growth pole. It 's a small sign, but the nervousness Cape suggests that something is far from trivial.
short, if fascism is born by the Republican Constitution, who knows maybe this puttanaio not come out a new national harmony in the spirit of the Constituent Assembly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sore Throat And Red Spot On Tongue

art. 54
All citizens have the duty to be loyal to the Republic and to uphold the Constitution and laws. citizens entrusted with public office have a duty to perform them with discipline and honor , Taking an oath in the cases determined by law.

Female Dr Stroked Penis

" I would like to appeal to all Italian women. Do not vote for Silvio Berlusconi, Silvio Berlusconi because we see only horizontal, not vertical we never see '

(D. Santanchè)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Samsung Dvd-v9800 Region

New Che Guevara

Apart from one (guess which one), I believe all others are the new Che Guevara:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

In Frequent Eriction What Affects Body

not take the name of God in vain

eliminate competitors who have blasphemed the Grade Brother. I know, is old news. The Future has already had occasion to rejoice.

was not enough, however, criticized the fault of those guys: swearing so, at random, whereas if they had the foresight to do so by telling a joke, not just anyone could make them at home, but they could aspire to the Presidency Council!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Polaris Xtra 10 Adjustment


"It must be moderate, not to take anything to extremes, do not exaggerate anything, as Montesquieu says, even in virtue
(Odo Marquard)

is generally known as the history of human events not at all characterized by what was being celebrated since ancient times as one of the virtues most precious to man: balance. Genocide, revolutions, wars and disastrous carnage of all kinds have always marked human history and, unfortunately, continue to score. The frantic war against the environment and life forms that contains is but one of the most current. It is therefore quite surprising as one of the most authoritative teaching of antiquity, the call to maintain the proper balance in all things, is so often repeated in various contexts. Moderation is indeed one of quality with increased frequency and satisfaction is enhanced on many public occasions and private: the international summit of major powers to the speeches of the least influential of local politicians, from exhortations to children to the advice of psychologists. Actually it does not appear to be particularly heavy as an effort to opt for solutions unmoderated and therefore as the most sensible, wise and balanced world. The instrument to do is, in fact, easy access: the road show is in the middle of paths going in opposite directions. We should not choose either climbs or descents, just to give preference to the plan. Do not be directed towards a goal not too far nor too near, it is sufficient to calculate the average. Take the middle ground between two extremes of life offers the tranquility and the assurance of one who knows he made the right choice. In view of the world and its people's self-styled things balanced review each and every human behavior are set in a landscape ranging from mountains to the sea. And since you think it is possible to enjoy the privilege of having a second, a simple look is enough to choose a quiet hill and avoid having to climb the most inaccessible peaks or falling into the water.

This attitude stems from a misconception that can be identified quite easily by anyone who wants to recognize it. To get, in fact, the certainty of his own moderation should not be considered, consciously or unconsciously, a decisive factor in its definition: the starting position, ie the perspective from which we judge things. Even a dwarf may appear bigger than a giant if the first is in front of the nose and the second in the bottom horizon. Only in children tolerate the belief that the moon is larger than the sun and the sun is larger than any star in the firmament. It is rather funny to let them live their fantasy while waiting for the voice of parents and teachers to teach them that reality is not always as it appears in the eyes of children. On the other hand, there is great for those who want it, the power to understand what is illusory chance to speak with moderation for those who do not care to check the possibility of different points of view, or is misleading because the certainty of having a balanced behavior if you do not compare with those of others raving own above all. For those who listen and observe themselves preferably not difficult to see things in the world in a very near one end. This, then, that stray is a balanced choice is but a small insignificant adjustment of an extreme view. Most of the time the perception of personal restraint is in fact a suggestion that hides a completely arbitrary imbalance unconscious. For whom, for example, has acquired the habit of downing a couple of bottles of vodka a day is certainly a big step halving consumption. If the organs of the human body could express their opinion and also if ambisse to appear moderate, listening to the voice of the liver could see how tenuous the validity of the concept of moderation.

horizon is rather small, however, leads to another misconception, this far more difficult than the first recognition: the partial selection in the field where power manifest the virtue of moderation. What is supposed to be only moderate are vices, not virtues. In exercising these powers is believed to overdo it at will: the more you are honest, heroic, selfless, diligent and whatever and it would be better. Moderation is enhanced, therefore, only a very limited scope of human affairs. Intemperance is deprecated only in what it considers sinful. Only if you can not correct any defect, only if you can not help but enjoy the pleasure of some defect, then it is considered that contain himself. In accordance with it would not be necessary any moderation in good works, the pursuit of justice is not only tolerated but actually enhanced its excesses. Generally, it is therefore in this partial way that emulates the wisdom of the ancients who, like Cicero teaches, must lead to preserving the right balance in all things. Still, if you really want to resort to the ancient scriptures, there are warnings for moderation in everything, including, for example, in gentleness, in meeting and devotion. In the biblical story of Abraham can recognize a reminder Thus, although the history of its exegesis reflects adequately the clear bias of the dominant conception of moderation in the old patriarch is not seen nothing but the triumph of loyalty and sacrifice, not an excess of God which prevents the accomplishment. The angel who stopped Abraham's hand ready to sacrifice the ultimate sacrifice so the child should be taught that no god can claim such a holocaust, and is not too good to exaggerate the virtue. In light of moderation inherent in divine act to save the life of Isaac, all the above requirements of the Lord can be understood as provocations to test how far extreme man can exaggerate the virtues obedience and devotion. Before the Lord asks him to have a child on the threshold of one hundred years even promising a great race. Already about fifteen years before the request to procreate with the slave Hagar could not be a sacrifice for him too. But with Sarah too old and wrinkled as he was? Abraham, however, shows quite submissive and trying very hard to give him Sara Isaac. Yet the Lord insists and asks him not content to sacrifice the son he had promised would be the forerunner of a great race. Abraham, exaggerating so stunning in the virtue of obedience, the sacrificial altar built without hesitation. Luckily for Isaac, and the whole history of salvation, the Lord intervened to stop the hand of authority, to moderate his virtue and to show that even the supreme god loves men too virtuous. Moreover, even in the New Testament scriptures is no lack of exhortations to moderate virtue, as exemplified by the commandment to love your neighbor yes, but not more than themselves.

Actually there are countless biblical and mythological narratives, unlike the story of Abraham, which represent extremes without any moderation: human beings turned into pillars of salt or despicable animals, heroes, forever chained to a rock or forever damned to carry a boulder up a mountain. The same edifying lives of the saints are models of virtue exasperated: steadfast dedication, extreme poverty, bloody martyrs. It should however be noted that these extreme events are at home in a different reality from that of human experience: they are confined in narratives constructed by the imagination, that is the prerogative of the human imagination to overcome with religious faith or the boundaries of their condition . A no human being is asked to imitate the actions of the terrible examples of those heroic or mythological narratives of the lives the saints. What must and can do is their emulation include the teaching and apply it to their lives. Mythological narratives or edifying therefore apply to this they teach not for what they are. Their quality is not to be true but the power to inspire a truth.

In human life, the excess of virtue does not lead to adverse effects of minor excess of the defect. Like all the excitement induced behavior, including those leading to imitate behaviors intrepid and legendary, take possession of those who practice them and escape his control. The mythological narratives simply reproduced in their carrying case in an extreme situation in which we suspend the human faculties of discernment and constantly changing. Mark a path to be, require a direction unchangeable by time and circumstances. The over-under dehumanizes and makes a unbridgeable distance with other beings, preclude the possibility of communication, encounter and exchange. I observed from the human frailties of his unapproachable virtue, too virtuous inevitably feels better than all this raises a further barrier between him and the others. It is not difficult, then, that all her power to revolt ends inexorably into its opposite: humility becomes vanity, modesty ambition of perfection, a mild form of violence. The result can only be a contempt for all human weaknesses insensitivity for the reasons that generate it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mount & Blade Warband Hack

Good Vedel sent me these two videos and I published them on the blog now because they made me die laughing. Interview with Siotto not felt since I was listening to the tapes of Benito Urgu and I must say that I always fall back tears. See transcription of the words amplifies the effect of blunders. The other video did not know him and even more funny ... poor us! To view it, click on the link below: