Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Polaris Xtra 10 Adjustment


"It must be moderate, not to take anything to extremes, do not exaggerate anything, as Montesquieu says, even in virtue
(Odo Marquard)

is generally known as the history of human events not at all characterized by what was being celebrated since ancient times as one of the virtues most precious to man: balance. Genocide, revolutions, wars and disastrous carnage of all kinds have always marked human history and, unfortunately, continue to score. The frantic war against the environment and life forms that contains is but one of the most current. It is therefore quite surprising as one of the most authoritative teaching of antiquity, the call to maintain the proper balance in all things, is so often repeated in various contexts. Moderation is indeed one of quality with increased frequency and satisfaction is enhanced on many public occasions and private: the international summit of major powers to the speeches of the least influential of local politicians, from exhortations to children to the advice of psychologists. Actually it does not appear to be particularly heavy as an effort to opt for solutions unmoderated and therefore as the most sensible, wise and balanced world. The instrument to do is, in fact, easy access: the road show is in the middle of paths going in opposite directions. We should not choose either climbs or descents, just to give preference to the plan. Do not be directed towards a goal not too far nor too near, it is sufficient to calculate the average. Take the middle ground between two extremes of life offers the tranquility and the assurance of one who knows he made the right choice. In view of the world and its people's self-styled things balanced review each and every human behavior are set in a landscape ranging from mountains to the sea. And since you think it is possible to enjoy the privilege of having a second, a simple look is enough to choose a quiet hill and avoid having to climb the most inaccessible peaks or falling into the water.

This attitude stems from a misconception that can be identified quite easily by anyone who wants to recognize it. To get, in fact, the certainty of his own moderation should not be considered, consciously or unconsciously, a decisive factor in its definition: the starting position, ie the perspective from which we judge things. Even a dwarf may appear bigger than a giant if the first is in front of the nose and the second in the bottom horizon. Only in children tolerate the belief that the moon is larger than the sun and the sun is larger than any star in the firmament. It is rather funny to let them live their fantasy while waiting for the voice of parents and teachers to teach them that reality is not always as it appears in the eyes of children. On the other hand, there is great for those who want it, the power to understand what is illusory chance to speak with moderation for those who do not care to check the possibility of different points of view, or is misleading because the certainty of having a balanced behavior if you do not compare with those of others raving own above all. For those who listen and observe themselves preferably not difficult to see things in the world in a very near one end. This, then, that stray is a balanced choice is but a small insignificant adjustment of an extreme view. Most of the time the perception of personal restraint is in fact a suggestion that hides a completely arbitrary imbalance unconscious. For whom, for example, has acquired the habit of downing a couple of bottles of vodka a day is certainly a big step halving consumption. If the organs of the human body could express their opinion and also if ambisse to appear moderate, listening to the voice of the liver could see how tenuous the validity of the concept of moderation.

horizon is rather small, however, leads to another misconception, this far more difficult than the first recognition: the partial selection in the field where power manifest the virtue of moderation. What is supposed to be only moderate are vices, not virtues. In exercising these powers is believed to overdo it at will: the more you are honest, heroic, selfless, diligent and whatever and it would be better. Moderation is enhanced, therefore, only a very limited scope of human affairs. Intemperance is deprecated only in what it considers sinful. Only if you can not correct any defect, only if you can not help but enjoy the pleasure of some defect, then it is considered that contain himself. In accordance with it would not be necessary any moderation in good works, the pursuit of justice is not only tolerated but actually enhanced its excesses. Generally, it is therefore in this partial way that emulates the wisdom of the ancients who, like Cicero teaches, must lead to preserving the right balance in all things. Still, if you really want to resort to the ancient scriptures, there are warnings for moderation in everything, including, for example, in gentleness, in meeting and devotion. In the biblical story of Abraham can recognize a reminder Thus, although the history of its exegesis reflects adequately the clear bias of the dominant conception of moderation in the old patriarch is not seen nothing but the triumph of loyalty and sacrifice, not an excess of God which prevents the accomplishment. The angel who stopped Abraham's hand ready to sacrifice the ultimate sacrifice so the child should be taught that no god can claim such a holocaust, and is not too good to exaggerate the virtue. In light of moderation inherent in divine act to save the life of Isaac, all the above requirements of the Lord can be understood as provocations to test how far extreme man can exaggerate the virtues obedience and devotion. Before the Lord asks him to have a child on the threshold of one hundred years even promising a great race. Already about fifteen years before the request to procreate with the slave Hagar could not be a sacrifice for him too. But with Sarah too old and wrinkled as he was? Abraham, however, shows quite submissive and trying very hard to give him Sara Isaac. Yet the Lord insists and asks him not content to sacrifice the son he had promised would be the forerunner of a great race. Abraham, exaggerating so stunning in the virtue of obedience, the sacrificial altar built without hesitation. Luckily for Isaac, and the whole history of salvation, the Lord intervened to stop the hand of authority, to moderate his virtue and to show that even the supreme god loves men too virtuous. Moreover, even in the New Testament scriptures is no lack of exhortations to moderate virtue, as exemplified by the commandment to love your neighbor yes, but not more than themselves.

Actually there are countless biblical and mythological narratives, unlike the story of Abraham, which represent extremes without any moderation: human beings turned into pillars of salt or despicable animals, heroes, forever chained to a rock or forever damned to carry a boulder up a mountain. The same edifying lives of the saints are models of virtue exasperated: steadfast dedication, extreme poverty, bloody martyrs. It should however be noted that these extreme events are at home in a different reality from that of human experience: they are confined in narratives constructed by the imagination, that is the prerogative of the human imagination to overcome with religious faith or the boundaries of their condition . A no human being is asked to imitate the actions of the terrible examples of those heroic or mythological narratives of the lives the saints. What must and can do is their emulation include the teaching and apply it to their lives. Mythological narratives or edifying therefore apply to this they teach not for what they are. Their quality is not to be true but the power to inspire a truth.

In human life, the excess of virtue does not lead to adverse effects of minor excess of the defect. Like all the excitement induced behavior, including those leading to imitate behaviors intrepid and legendary, take possession of those who practice them and escape his control. The mythological narratives simply reproduced in their carrying case in an extreme situation in which we suspend the human faculties of discernment and constantly changing. Mark a path to be, require a direction unchangeable by time and circumstances. The over-under dehumanizes and makes a unbridgeable distance with other beings, preclude the possibility of communication, encounter and exchange. I observed from the human frailties of his unapproachable virtue, too virtuous inevitably feels better than all this raises a further barrier between him and the others. It is not difficult, then, that all her power to revolt ends inexorably into its opposite: humility becomes vanity, modesty ambition of perfection, a mild form of violence. The result can only be a contempt for all human weaknesses insensitivity for the reasons that generate it.


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