Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moccasins Fur Outside

phone call to Berlusconi infidel: Gad Lerner insults and orders the ... Article 54 of the Constitution

The call of the infidel yesterday shows that our Prime Minister is in the situation of a wounded beast, dying but still alive. It 's the most dangerous situation: that of a twisted tail. B. is willing to defend with all his strength and does so in an open field. Of course, the battlefield is chosen by him and his, as always, are the rules of the game. These are the media. There, the home team. His weapons are the language of the media that he knows better than others, because as it stands, he invented it, in twenty years of virtual monopoly of television. For this is an interesting speech yesterday to the infidel. The transmission of Lerner has in fact always tried to counter the other television programs not only in content but also in language, less television and more "literary." Lerner has always been opposed to Rumble reasoning and comparison of positions, ideologies, religions, sometimes opposite. The pirate boarding B. has shelled this language, reaffirming its linguistic rules: trivial insults, aggression, verbal brawl. The striking contrast between the two linguistic forms has revealed the distance between two worlds, far more profound and irreconcilable conflicts between the old Catholics and Communists. The invitation to
Zanicchi to get up and leave was not a simple suggestion, but the order given by the boss to the employee. The order of the master. This order is not extemporaneous, but is the result of a media strategy designed a coffee table, that Santanchè was the first to put in place, leaving both the program Santoro from "Agora". The media counter, therefore, provides phone-ins and boycotts by the Head of the programs by subject, soldiers loyal to his general to the personal sacrifice of their dignity and independence. All united by the motto Ruby "as long as he eats there, the soldiers follow the line of the garment to deny the obvious.
would be tempted to be discouraged, but I remember thinking that Italy always comes to the bottom, but then stands up better than before. There are some positive aspects timidly. For example, the Church, understood as its political leaders, appears to have lost patience. From the Pope to Cardinal Bagnasco Sodano, the line seems to give B. In fact, polls in the third growth pole. It 's a small sign, but the nervousness Cape suggests that something is far from trivial.
short, if fascism is born by the Republican Constitution, who knows maybe this puttanaio not come out a new national harmony in the spirit of the Constituent Assembly.


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